International School Psychology Research Initiative
SSSP is dedicated to advancing the science of school psychology in the United States and globally. SSSP and the International School Psychology Association (ISPA) invite proposals by international researchers to investigate important school psychology topics within or beyond the researcher’s home country or region. Proposals that involve collaboration among several countries are encouraged to apply for possible funding of one grant of up to $10,000. Please note that it is SSSP’s policy that no indirect costs (IDC) will be allocated for the International School Psychology Research Initiatives.
2025 Committee Members: Keith Herman (Chair), Amity Noltemeyer, Francis Huang, Randy Kamphaus, & Keith Radley
Previous Recipients
2023-2024. Brad Bloomfield & Russell Fox, Monash University, Australia (Mentor: Thomas Kratochwill). “Conjoint School Teleconsultation in regional Australian communities.”
2022. Chun Chen, University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen, (Mentor: Shane Jimerson). “A Cross-Cultural Study on Investigating Risk and Resilience of Problematic Internet Use and Effectiveness of MindUP Curriculum Among Elementary-Middle School Students.”
2021. Jingu Kim, Behavioral Science Institute, Radboud University, Netherlands, (Mentor: Jing Yoon). “Creating a Seating Arrangement that Fosters Positive Social Emotional Climate in the Classrooms: Dissemination and Validation of “Stoeltjesdans’ in International Contexts. International collaboration among the Netherlands, Spain, Finland, South Korea, and the United States.”
2020. Marianne Kant-Schaps, MyGatekeeper (non-profit, Germany), (Mentor: Rob Volpe). “Digital Competence Framework for School Psychological Practice.”
2019. Maria Mateucci of the Università di Bologna, (Mentor, Steve Truscott). “Presence and Practice of School Psychology in Italy: A Survey on Characteristics, Training, Practices, and Challenges of School Psychologists.”
2017. Maria Poulou of the University of Patras, Greece. “Validating the Classroom Strategies Assessment Scale (CSAS) in Greek Classrooms.”
2015. Iveta Kovalcikova of the University of Presov, Slovak Republic. “Experimental verification of a program aimed at stimulation of executive functions of underperforming pupils from the Roma ethnic group – the stimulation potential of math.”
2014. Michael Grosche of the University of Wuppertal, Germany. “Cross‐cultural development and evaluation of a universal behavior screening tool in schools.”
2013. Xianyou He and Xishan Huang of South China Normal University, China. “School Climate, Bullying, Student Engagement and Classroom Management Techniques: Differences between China and the U.S.”